Canadian Legal News

Child Safety

A “Brain Breathalyzer” for the Sidelines
British researchers are developing a “brain breathalyzer” device used to detect concussions on the sidelines,...
Back-to-School Road Safety
With more than half a million students back in school across the province, there’s no better time to...
time magazine
TIME Highlights the Tragic Risks of Football
The latest cover of TIME features a young football player with the words “He died playing this game....
Keep Kids Safe: Change the Rules
Kids are suiting up for their favourite Fall sports but when it comes to safety, are helmets and pads...
Concussion Awareness Training Toolkit Targets Parents, Coaches
Last summer, we came across CATT, an online Concussion Awareness Training Toolkit to help health professionals...
New Guidelines for Youth Concussion
The Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation released important new guidelines to help caregivers, healthcare workers,...
Study Links Severe Concussion Symptoms to Post-Concussion Syndrome
Severe concussion symptoms have been linked to a long-term recovery problem called post-concussion syndrome,...
Concussion and Young Athletes
Hockey is a cornerstone of Canadian culture, generating passion and pride across the country. Back-to-back...
White House Hosts Youth Concussion Summit
U.S. President Barrack Obama hosted a summit earlier this week about the potential long-term effects...
Underage Drinking in Your Home
RCMP have confirmed that paramedics were called to Stephen Harper’s home at 24 Sussex Drive last Saturday,...

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