Canadian Legal News

Child Safety

TBI Linked to Mental Health Problems in Teens
New research has found that teenagers who suffer a traumatic brain injury (TBI) have a significantly...
Planning a Garage Sale? Know Your Legal Responsibilities
Did you know that anyone holding a garage sale is legally responsible for ensuring that products being...
CTE Strikes Soccer
Patrick Grange from Albuquerque, New Mexico has become the first soccer player to be diagnosed with Chronic...
8 Reasons Why Kids Should Play Contact Sports
Should you enroll your kids in contact sports? It’s a question more and more parents are struggling to...
First Concussion Alters "Microstructure" of Brain in Young Athletes
Research led by Canadian concussion specialist Dr. Paul Echlin proves that all it takes is one concussion...
Concussions in Toddlers
New-found mobility, high energy, and a lack of awareness for their surroundings make toddlers prime candidates...
5 Tips for Toy Safety - a Holiday Reminder
It’s everyone’s responsibility to ensure kids are safe with their new toys during the holiday...
Halloween Safety
It’s time for a Halloween safety refresher. Review this handy checklist to...
Child Immunizations Worth a Shot
The World Health Organization estimates that more than three million lives are saved every year by disease-preventing...
Safe Sleep for Your Baby
The Public Health Agency of Canada offers important guidelines for providing a safe sleeping environment...

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