Canadian Legal News

Health & Well-being

Sleep Washes Brain of Toxic Trash
Neuroscientists have made an unexpected discovery that brings new meaning to the term “brainwash.” In...
Meditation - Weight Lifting for the Brain
There’s a growing body of research proving that meditation is a powerful exercise to improve brain...
Sun Safety for Kids
Did you know… Just a few serious sunburns can increase your child’s risk of getting skin...
BC Water-Related Fatalities on the Rise
Did you know that nearly 500 Canadians die every year in water-related incidents? And this year the numbers...
What to do with a Child Car Seat after an Accident
Long gone are the days when kids would bounce around unbuckled in the back seat of a car. Fortunately,...
Bionic Hand Assisted by iLimb iPhone App
For a young man with a prosthetic hand, the phrase “there’s an app for that” has a...
Time to Spring Ahead
It’s Daylight Savings Time this Sunday, March 10. That means less sleep for many of us who are...
Tanning Beds To Get Cancer Warning
“Tanning equipment can cause cancer” may soon be in B.C. salons if the federal government...
Don't Forget to Gain Your Sleep Back
It’s that time of year again, one many look forward to: Day Light Savings! On Sunday, yes, we gained...
Drowning is Preventable Say RCMP
Look before you leap! That’s what the RCMP is asking from vacationers spending time on the water...

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