Canadian Legal News


Leave the Phone Alone While Driving
According to The Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA), five people die in vehicle...
3,800 Texting on BC Roads Right Now
9,500 drivers are using smartphones while driving at any given moment in BC. 3,800 drivers are texting...
V2V Communication Prevents Accidents
Vehicle-to-vehicle communication (V2V communication) is making headlines in the car technology realm....
BC Drivers Need Snow Tires
While almost all BC drivers believe they should purchase winter tires to prepare for icy driving conditions,...
Have a Safe Thanksgiving
According to CBC, the tip of the storm will generate winds of 85 mph to the Haida Gwaii region and rain...
BC Drivers Install Dashboard Cameras
A “dashcam” or dashboard camera is a small camera wired into a car that begins recording...
Your Vehicle is a Write off- Now What?
Have you ever been in a car accident and ICBC tells you that your vehicle is a write-off? This means...
What To Do When You Hit a Parked Car
When we hear the term “hit and run” we automatically think of a serious collision. But what...
Disguised Cops Catch Distracted Drivers
Police in Marietta, Georgia are going undercover as construction workers to nab distracted drivers texting,...
Get the TEXT? – Distracted Driving is Deadly
Do you text and drive? Of course, you do. The phone starts buzzing and you dig for your phone trying...

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