Canadian Legal News

Sports Injury

NFL Huddles with Football Moms
The NFL Super Bowl XLIX was watched by millions of people, but will the event be around forever? With...
Brain Damage in High School Football
TIME continues to discuss the tragic risks of American Football in their latest issue. A new study from...
Are Young People Aware of the Risks of Contact Sports?
Many parents say “no”. An Eric Hamber Secondary School Griffins football player suffered a concussion...
A “Brain Breathalyzer” for the Sidelines
British researchers are developing a “brain breathalyzer” device used to detect concussions on the sidelines,...
time magazine
TIME Highlights the Tragic Risks of Football
The latest cover of TIME features a young football player with the words “He died playing this game....
NFL Brain Damage
After years of denying that football players have suffered brain injury as a direct result of concussions,...
Keep Kids Safe: Change the Rules
Kids are suiting up for their favourite Fall sports but when it comes to safety, are helmets and pads...
Concussion Management Tool gets Blindsided
A helmet sensor developed to alert parents and coaches to potential brain injury has hit an unexpected...
Concussion Awareness Training Toolkit Targets Parents, Coaches
Last summer, we came across CATT, an online Concussion Awareness Training Toolkit to help health professionals...
Physiotherapy Speeds Up Concussion Recovery
A new study from the University of Calgary finds that physiotherapy is beneficial to those suffering...

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