Canadian Legal News

Sports Injury

The Lighter the Bike, the Harder They Fall?
In the 1980s, Greg Lemond was the first Tour de France winner to ride a carbon fibre bike. This year,...
Time For a Hockey Helmet Makeover?
Football has adopted a new standardized system for rating a helmet’s effectiveness in protecting against...
FIFA Urged to Address Concussion Protocols
It was a scary turn of events for those watching the Uruguay-England World Cup match last week. Uruguay’s...
Study Links Severe Concussion Symptoms to Post-Concussion Syndrome
Severe concussion symptoms have been linked to a long-term recovery problem called post-concussion syndrome,...
Chicago Bears QB Suffering from Depression, Dementia
Another sad outcome for an NFL great. Former Chicago Bears quarterback Jim McMahon revealed to the media...
Is CrossFit Safe?
According to its creators, CrossFit is a “strength and conditioning program for many police academies...
Concussion and Young Athletes
Hockey is a cornerstone of Canadian culture, generating passion and pride across the country. Back-to-back...
White House Hosts Youth Concussion Summit
U.S. President Barrack Obama hosted a summit earlier this week about the potential long-term effects...
Blood Tests the Future of Concussion Diagnosis
A simple blood test may be all it takes to diagnose a concussion, according to new research out of Sweden....
High-Tech Brain Protection
Sporting goods giant Reebok has developed a high-tech device to help protect athletes from brain injury...

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