Imagine you’re heading to the movies to watch a show. You take your seat. A few moments later the screen lights up and you’re watching footage of a car travelling a winding country road. Given the perspective, the audience assumes the position of the driver.
A short time later, you and all moviegoers receive a text. You reach to get your phone from your pocket.
While your head is down looking at your phone, the car on the screen loses control, travels off the road, and crashes violently into a tree.
The audience jumps with shock.
“Mobile use is now the leading cause of death behind the wheel,” is the message presented at the end of the ad. “A reminder to keep your eyes on the road.”
This is the creative public service announcement run by Volkswagen in Hong Kong. It’s a powerful way to draw attention to the dangers of distracted driving.
Play this video forward. #SaveALife