
Elmiron Lawsuit – What is Pigmentary Maculopathy?

Elmiron, in its chemical form, Pentosan polysulfate sodium (PPS), is used to treat Interstitial Cystitis. Interstitial Cystitis is chronic bladder condition that cause serious pain, bladder pressure, and constant urination. While it is incurable, Elmiron has been incredibly effective in treating Interstitial Cystitis symptoms, and is the most prescribed drug on the market. However, current evidence suggests that PPS may be directly toxic to the retina and the macula.

Janssen Pharmaceuticals & Teva Branded Pharmaceuticals are currently undergoing lawsuits across North America due to the alleged link between their medication Elmiron and vision loss. Slater Vecchio LLP is running a Canadian class action against the pharmaceutical giants out of British Columbia. The specific type of vision loss is macular degeneration, which is a progressive eye disease that is caused by damage to the macula in the eye. This damage may lead to central vision loss, which could render an individual legally blind. Current data on the issue show that users of Elmiron begin to develop symptoms around three years after beginning use, and the symptoms continue to worsen after cessation of the drug. Studies performed in 2020 showed that around 20% of Elmiron users develop maculopathy, a staggering high figure.

In particular, Elmiron is linked to pigmentary maculopathy, a unique type of macular degeneration. Associated symptoms with pigmentary maculopathy include central vision loss, difficulty adjusting to light, floaters, difficulty reading, and many others. While there are no current treatments for pigmentary maculopathy there are ways to test for it. Possible tests include an Optical Coherence Tomography scan, Color Fundus Retinal Photography, and Autofluorescene Imaging.

If you have used Elmiron and are experiencing vision symptoms, please contact Slater Vecchio LLP, call your doctor, and see an Optometrist or Ophthalmologist. This is a national class action across Canada and Slater Vecchio LLP is looking for class members to join or Elmiron lawsuit.

To learn more, visit Slater Vecchio LLP’s Elmiron class action lawsuit webpage.

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Slater Vecchio
Slater Vecchio LLP is a boutique law firm with offices in British Columbia and Quebec. Over the past 25 years, Slater Vecchio has represented thousands of clients and has emerged as a prominent leader in personal injury and class action litigation.