
Increasing Fines for Distracted Drivers

What do you think the fine for distracted driving should be? Should distracted drivers have their cars impounded and receive roadside suspensions similar to drunk drivers?

Texting while driving is a bigger hazard than drunk drivers. Canada’s CTV News reported that 47 out of the 177 deaths in the province on Ontario’s highways in 2013 involved distracted drivers, compared to 32 killed in alcohol-impaired driving-related incidents.

Distracted driving is the second-leading cause of deadly car crashes in BC.

Distracted Driver Fines

Currently, BC drivers ticketed for distracted driving are charged a $167 fine and issued three penalty points, the second lowest penalty in Canada.

Fines in Nova Scotia were raised from $176 to $234 for a first offence, and from $350 to $579 for any additional offences. Ontario’s maximum distracted driver fine is $1000.

The BC Government Wants Your Opinion

According to Global News, the provincial government is considering increasing distracted driver fines. Justice Minister Suzanne Anton says she wants to hear the public’s opinion before moving forward on strengthening penalties and fines.

How to participate in the discussion

  1. Visit the Province’s Distracted Driving website.
  2. Click on the “Add Your Voice” app to learn about the current situation and answer nine questions about distracted driving.
  3. Join online discussions to tell your stories and engage with other British Columbians on this topic.
  4. Connect on Twitter at @RoadSafetyBC using hashtag #distractedBC.
  5. Email

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Picture of Michael Slater, K.C.
Michael Slater, K.C.
Michael Slater K.C. is the founding partner of Slater Vecchio. The majority of his practice is confined to traumatic brain injury (TBI) and spinal cord injury cases.