
App Diagnoses Concussions

Did you know up to 3.8 million cases of sports-related head trauma will occur this year in North America alone?

Public anxiety is at an all-time high after an autopsy revealed that former NFL player Tyler Sash suffered from an extreme case of CTE. Tyler had displayed irrational behaviour before he died from an accidental overdose of pain medication.

To combat sports-related concussions, a group of local university students invented the HeadCheck Health app. The app will be used by trainers to assess potential concussions by measuring player cognition and balance. The app’s unique algorithm is designed to eliminate human error when diagnosing a concussion. Therapists and medical personnel will use the app on children.

Gunter Siegmund, an international expert in injury biomechanics and an adjunct professor at UBC says, “If it can be just as useful in the real world as it is in the lab, the need for better concussion assessment tools is there.”

The HeadCheck Health costs $300, and it provides baseline treatment for an entire sports team. There is an additional yearly subscription fee of $25 per athlete that provides unlimited testing.

Would you be willing to pay $25 per year to ensure your child was properly assessed for potential concussions?

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Picture of Tony Vecchio, K.C.
Tony Vecchio, K.C.
Anthony (Tony) Vecchio, K.C., founded Slater Vecchio in January 1998. He has been counsel on some of the largest cases in British Columbia.