Calling All TLABC Members!

We’re donating to the BC Burn Fund Centre. Will you?

Last month, we wrote about the B.C. Professional Fire Fighters Burn Fund, hoping to draw attention to the great things they’re doing for people across the province. The group has plans to begin construction of a Main Street Burn Centre to help fill a critical gap in survivor care.

The Centre will provide eight short-term stay units for burn and trauma patients and their families. It will also have a public education resource centre and retail space to help fund operations. Construction is slated to start in the Fall.

We’re proud to give our support at Slater Vecchio and we challenge all TLABC members to do the same. Why? Because burn injury is something that many of our clients must overcome. The Burn Centre will be an incredible resource to help with their recovery. Let’s help get them to their goal.

Click here to donate online. Or contact Shelley Barrett at the Burn Fund office:

E: [email protected]
P: 604-436-5617

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Picture of James Richards
James Richards
James Richards is a born and raised Vancouverite who studied History, Political Science and Law at University of British Columbia. His over 20 years of legal practice and a busy and active family gives him his purpose, focus and some good writing material. When not in work–mode, he enjoys any excuse to be out and about our amazing city.