Canadian Legal News

Health & Well-being

Cottonelle Flushable Wipes Lawsuit
Cottonelle flushable wipe class action update
This June, a court hearing occurred in the Cottonelle flushable wipes class action lawsuit. The Cottonelle...
Elmiron Lawsuit – What is Pigmentary Maculopathy?
Elmiron, in its chemical form, Pentosan polysulfate sodium (PPS), is used to treat Interstitial Cystitis....
Tresemme Logo
TRESemmé Hair Loss Lawsuit - What is DMDM Hydantoin?
If you or someone you know is using hair products that contain DMDM Hydantoin, it is suggested that you...
TRESemme Hair Loss
TRESemmé products alleged to cause hair loss
The manufacturer of the hair product brand TRESemmé, Unilever, is facing lawsuits across North America...
Signs of PTSD after a Car Accident
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a common mental health problem suffered by people following...
How to Live with Chronic Pain
Chronic pain is all too common after a serious injury. Whether caused by a car accident or a fall on...
How Physiotherapy Can Help with Injury Recovery
Getting injured in a car crash can often lead to long-term pain and physical problems that seem almost...
Getting Back to Your Life after a Concussion
Whack! You’ve had a sudden knock to the head and suddenly you find yourself in pain and in a fog. A trip...
Safe Hiking on BC’s Trails
When it comes to life in the great outdoors, few places on earth are as blessed as BC. With the spring...
7 Resolutions for a Safe 2017
Every new year means new resolutions. Whether it’s losing weight, saving money, or spending more time...

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