Canadian Legal News


B.C. Tops List of Canada's Worst Drivers
With B.C. Day around the corner, our roads will soon be filled with bad drivers. We’ve all seen...
Driving While Tired Worse Than Drinking and Driving
A new online study conducted in Ontario shows that men are more likely than women to fall asleep while...
Texting While Driving Gets Teen Two Years in Jail
A Boston judge’s unprecedented sentencing hopes to save lives by deterring texting while driving....
June Is Bike Month: Share the Road
June is Bike Month all across Canada. As cycling becomes more popular the City of Vancouver is working...
Car Seats Bought in USA Not Legal in Canada
Car seat safety is once again in the news, reminding buyers that US seats are illegal to use in Canada....
Hosting a Party? You Could be Liable
Hosting an NHL playoff party? A birthday or grad celebration? Did you know that if one of your guests...
Car Crashes Spike on Tax Return Deadline
A major U.S. study has found a link between tax deadline day and fatal car accidents. The 30 year study...
People are Fragile: Share the Road
It was only two days in Metro Vancouver, but the results were disastrous. A motorist kills an elderly...
Cell Phones: a Fatal Distraction
Distracted driving is once again in the news, making front page of The Province newspaper on Tuesday....
Child Car Seat Manufacturers Must Meet Stricter Safety Requirements
Car seat manufacturers must now meet stricter testing requirements aimed at increasing safety for children....

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