Canadian Legal News


The Dutch Reach Can Save Lives
Anyone who has ever biked along a row of parked cars has one serious dread – crashing into an opening...
Avoid Hitting the Moose
Bears, elk, moose, deer – big wildlife is a reality across a country as large and as forested as Canada....
How to Stop a Drunk Driver
It’s happened to almost all of us. You’re out with some friends or colleagues, you’ve had a drink...
Hey Kids, No Texting and Driving!
Would you drive drunk with your kid in the car? Of course not! Then why do you text and drive? You’re...
Don’t Hog the Left Lane
Ever head out on the highway and find yourself stuck behind a slow poke rusting away in the left lane?...
End Holiday Weekend Drunk Driving
Holidays and long weekends make life all the more sweet. A family gathering, a night out with friends,...
Canada Tops Drunk Driving List
If they were handing out medals for drunk-driving fatalities, Canada would get the gold. But that sobering...
Distracted Driving Not Just Texting
Have you ever been out in your car and caught the driver in the next lane texting? If you’re...
Driverless Tesla in Fatal Crash
There are as many as 11,000 motor vehicle accidents every day in North America. But one accident this...
Higher Fines for Distracted Driving
On June 1, BC introduced harsher penalties for distracted driving. Are they working? Initial reports...

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