Distracted Driving Deaths Increase
Compared to decades ago, our roads and highways are safer. We’ve added more safety features to our cars,...
Are You a Petextrian?
Like an army of zombies left over from an apocalypse or a cheesy horror flick, you see them everywhere...
Running a Marathon with Aimee King
Recently, our own Aimee King did something extraordinary. She jetted off to Chicago and completed her...
The Dutch Reach Can Save Lives
Anyone who has ever biked along a row of parked cars has one serious dread – crashing into an opening...
Avoid Hitting the Moose
Bears, elk, moose, deer – big wildlife is a reality across a country as large and as forested as Canada....
Shake and Quake
If a massive earthquake hit right this minute, what would you do? Panic? Cry? Pray? Those might be your...
How to Stop a Drunk Driver
It’s happened to almost all of us. You’re out with some friends or colleagues, you’ve had a drink...
Bike Safety at Night
With summer behind us, the days ahead are shorter and darker. If you’re a cyclist in the Vancouver area,...
Life in the Protected Bike Lane
Cities all over the world are making a switch from lines of paint to fully protected bike lanes. Whether...
Kids, Sports, and Concussions
A new sport season is about to kick off and that means all sorts of active fun. But are your kids playing...

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