Distracted Walking
Have you bumped into someone on the sidewalk while texting? You’re not alone. According to News1130,...
Cyclist Killed in Bizarre Accident
A Vancouver cyclist was killed after being struck in the head by a heavy object. The incident took place...
Vancouver Earthquake is No Joke
What’s the first thing you do after an earthquake? Open your earthquake preparedness kit or...
Top 10 Slater Vecchio Blog Posts of 2015
10. Social media and personal injury claims A BC Judge shows how courts interpret social media posts...
concussion prevention
A Seatbelt for Your Brain
A local Vancouver company has begun selling a helmet sticker, BrainShield, designed to prevent concussions....
Do Helmets Prevent Concussions?
According to CBC, Reebok-CCM has been told by the Competition Bureau that it cannot claim its hockey...
Distracted Driving and Russian Roulette
How deadly is distracted driving? Do you like playing Russian Roulette with your life? Watch ‘A...
Brain Damage and Youth Sports
Are we endangering our children’s brain health by allowing them to play high-impact contact sports?...
Text Walking Lanes
Want to text and walk? Go to Belgium. Digital Trends says pedestrians using smartphones in the Belgian...
Winter Driving Tips
Winter driving presents challenges for BC drivers including slippery roads, limited visibility, and subzero...

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