酒驾是愚蠢的。它是危险的。它是违法的。 然而我们还是一直听见关于酒驾的消息。 一篇近期的在《省报》上的文章报道说,素里的一位男士因为在赤列瓦克市(CHILLIWACK)“画龙”驾驶而面临被刑事起诉。当加拿大皇家骑警RCMP的警官迫使这个男人路边停车,这个人手里正握着一瓶打开了的啤酒。更坏的是什么呢?他12岁的儿子正坐在他旁边的副驾的位子上。...
Tips for Keeping Your Teen Driver Safe
Every day in BC, 129 teenagers get their learner’s licence according to ICBC. Car crashes are the leading...
Winter Pedestrian Safety Tips
On average, one person is struck by a vehicle every day in Vancouver. Pedestrians are the most vulnerable...
Don’t Be a Left Lane Blocker
Loitering in the left lane may result in a $167 fine and three driver penalty points. According to The...
Leave the Phone Alone While Driving
According to The Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA), five people die in vehicle...
What Happens to Your Brain During a Concussion?
According to the Sports Concussion Institute, a concussion occurs when the brain moves rapidly inside...
Smart Brake Lights
According to Transport Canada, 34% of fatally injured Canadian cyclists are killed by vehicles at night....
3,800 Texting on BC Roads Right Now
9,500 drivers are using smartphones while driving at any given moment in BC. 3,800 drivers are texting...
Halloween Safety Tips
Halloween is an exciting time for children. With the distraction of candy and costumes children can easily...
3 Bike Safety Tips for Fall and Winter
According to the Canadian Automobile Association (CAA), approximately 7,500 cyclists are injured...

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