Halloween Safety
It’s time for a Halloween safety refresher. Review this handy checklist to...
Is Driving Today Too Easy?
Today’s cars are a dream to drive. And it’s not just because of power technology, like steering,...
Supervising an 'L' or 'N' Driver? Don't Drink!
A 64-year-old grandfather was charged with impaired driving after letting his grandson, a learner driver,...
Child Immunizations Worth a Shot
The World Health Organization estimates that more than three million lives are saved every year by disease-preventing...
Fighting Controversy Reignited in NHL
The NHL is back for another season. And so is the fighting. Controversy resumed after a fight in the...
Orthopaedic Doctors to Help with Mild TBI
New research encourages orthopaedic doctors to play a proactive role in diagnosing and treating mild...
Is the NFL a League of Denial?
The concussion settlement between the NFL and 6000 retired players has settled. But a new book hitting...
5 Tips for Home Safety in Fall
The rain is here, leaves are falling, and temperatures are dropping. Fall is an important time to think...
Concussion Guidelines Get Adults Back to Life
Doctors have a new set of guidelines to consult when treating adult patients with persistent post-concussion...
Why a Few Drinks are a Few Too Many
Three years ago, B.C. lowered its legal blood alcohol limit to .05. For those needing a refresher: Drivers...

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