Mild Brain Injury Leads to Dementia
Dementia is the loss of brain function affecting memory, thinking, language, judgment and behaviour....
New Drinking & Driving Laws Credited With Saving Lives
In response to an article in the Globe and Mail BC’s new drinking and driving laws, enforced since...
Lending Your Car? Better Think Twice.
You lend your car to a friend. Your friend causes an accident while driving your car. You are sued for...
Judges Turn to Facebook
Last week, we commented on the importance of managing your privacy settings on Social Media sites like...
Road tripping this Summer?
The Globe & Mail recently reported a few preventative measures to take before hitting the road...
Protecting Your Privacy in the Age of Social Media
We can’t deny it. Social Media is everywhere. So it’s more important than ever to protect...
Cyclists Versus Motorists
Imagine you are riding your bike down the road passing parked cars on your right. A car door suddenly...
The Importance of a Properly Fitted Bike
With the drier, warmer weather and Vancouver’s growing bicycle network, commuting by bike is more...
New Developments in Child Car Seat Safety
In response to an article posted at On April 25th, we commented on child seat safety...
The Importance of Having a Family Doctor
In BC, we’re fortunate to have many walk-in clinics available to help us care for our basic medical...

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