Canadian Legal News

Child Safety

Car Seats Bought in USA Not Legal in Canada
Car seat safety is once again in the news, reminding buyers that US seats are illegal to use in Canada....
Concussion Care Mandatory in Schools
Last week, Mike Holroyd commented on the challenges involved when getting a student back into the classroom...
Back to School after a Concussion: Know Your ABCs
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines a concussion as a type of traumatic...
Concussions Worse for Youth
Last week, The Vancouver Sun gave us a first-hand account of the impact that concussions have on youth....
Paediatricians on concussions: if in doubt - sit out
In a recent press release, the Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS) draws attention to the seriousness of...
Child Car Seat Manufacturers Must Meet Stricter Safety Requirements
Car seat manufacturers must now meet stricter testing requirements aimed at increasing safety for children....
More on Child Car Seat Safety
Child car seat safety is once again in the news. As of January 1st, the state of California requires...
Street Sense for Our Kids
Last September, we took a moment to remind parents of the importance of teaching street sense to our...
Protect Your Passengers!
Last post, Mike commented on the duty of care owed by drivers to protect their passengers. This duty...
Buckle Up!
Do you always ensure that your passengers are wearing a seat belt? If not, you may be at fault for your...

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