Canadian Legal News


An Airbag for the Brain
Swedish designers have created the world’s first “invisible” bike helmet. Industrial...
Bike Safety for Drivers
Brace yourself for carmageddon. Downtown Vancouver is expected to face serious traffic congestion as...
Bike Helmet Law and the Success of Van-City's Bike Share Program
Vancouver’s bike share program is expected to launch by Spring 2014. The program will include 1500...
Province Commits to Improving Safety on Stanley Park Causeway
At last, an update about the future of the Stanley Park Causeway. It sounds encouraging. The province...
Growing Support for Vancouver's Separated Bike Lanes
The bike lane controversy in Vancouver continues. This time the debate surrounds a proposal for a new...
Bike Helmets Don't Prevent Concussions
Bicycling Magazine recently published a powerful article considering the history, safety, and future...
Cycling Tops the List of Sports Causing Head Injury
The brain injury spotlight shines brightly on high-profile cases in professional hockey and football...
Cyclist Safety on the Stanley Park Causeway
A cyclist was killed on the Stanley Park Causeway Saturday evening when she came in contact with a pedestrian...
Pedestrians Have the Right of Way
On the road, a pedestrian always has the right of way. Once they have entered a crosswalk, even if it’s...
Take Extra Care On Your Drive Home Today
News 1130 reports there is a greater chance of getting into a car accident during your drive home than...

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