Canadian Legal News


Drinking & Driving: Facts and Statistics
It’s stupid. It’s dangerous. It’s against the law. And yet we continue to hear stories...
Amber Gambler? Not a Smart Bet.
The light turns yellow. Do you stop? Do you proceed with caution? Do you floor it? BC Supreme Court case...
Steps to Take After a Car Accident
Did you know that your odds of being in a car accident in the next year are one in 44? So be prepared...
Road Sense in Autumn
Labour Day has come and gone and it’s back to work and school for many of us. And with the daily...
Don't Count on ICBC for Legal Advice
In an earlier post, we reviewed the steps to take when suing ICBC as a nominal defendant in a hit-and-run...
Watch Out for Moose, Eh.
Will the law protect those involved in an accident where the at-fault party is a moose? In October 2006,...
New Drinking & Driving Laws Credited With Saving Lives
In response to an article in the Globe and Mail BC’s new drinking and driving laws, enforced since...
Lending Your Car? Better Think Twice.
You lend your car to a friend. Your friend causes an accident while driving your car. You are sued for...
Road tripping this Summer?
The Globe & Mail recently reported a few preventative measures to take before hitting the road...
Cyclists Versus Motorists
Imagine you are riding your bike down the road passing parked cars on your right. A car door suddenly...

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