Canadian Legal News


Drowsy Driving
Some days, there’s just not enough coffee in the world to keep you awake. While it may lead to awkward...
Can Technology Curb Drunk Driving?
There are two things you should never mix with driving: drinking and your cell phone. But is it possible...
Stiffer Fines for Distracted Drivers in BC
Are you using your time behind the wheel to do more than just drive? Then distracted drivers beware!...
Be Biker Aware this Motorcycle Season
Did you know that May is Motorcycle Awareness Month? Reading some of the headlines around the province...
Road Safety a Priority for Graduation
Grade 12 students across British Columbia are anxiously counting down the final weeks of the academic...
Drug Driving Suit
Ford has created a ‘Drug Driving Suit’ that simulates the effect of driving while under the influence...
Distracted Driver Banned From Driving
A BC driver who received 14 distracted driving tickets in five years is now prohibited from driving in...
Police Nab Distracted Drivers
Police officers are taking a bird’s eye view to catch you on your hand-held electronic devices. The West...
Consequences of Distracted Driving
In 2010 BC banned the use of hand-held electronic devices while driving. Despite crackdowns, distracted...
Death and Distracted Driving
A recent tweet by the Richmond RCMP has gained a lot of attention over the past week. The tweet consists...

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