Canadian Legal News


80% Of Canadian Drivers Feel Road Rage
No matter how mild your manners are, driving has a tendency to bring out the worst in us. Nearly 80%...
How Motorists Can Protect Cyclists on the Road
A drunk motorist struck and killed a cyclist in Toronto this week. According to the Montreal Gazette,...
Increasing Fines for Distracted Drivers
What do you think the fine for distracted driving should be? Should distracted drivers have their cars...
Defiant Left Lane Drivers Face Heavy Fines
BC Drivers clogging highway passing lanes will face hefty fines and penalties. “Drivers who won’t...
Drunk Driver Kills Two Cyclists on Sea-to-Sky Highway
The Whistler cycling community is devastated after an alleged drunk driver crashed into two cyclists...
Do You Video Chat While Driving?
According to an AT&T survey, 70% of people use their smartphone while operating a motor vehicle....
Too Distracted to Drive? Ask Your Car
What if your next car knew when you were too distracted to drive? According to ROT, a new technology...
External Airbags Hug Pedestrians
Google recently acquired a US patent that suggests their new self-driving cars will have external airbags...
Police Nab Distracted Drivers
Drunk or distracted driver: who would you choose to drive you home? Choosing the drunk driver increases...
Winter Tire Laws in BC
In earlier posts, we’ve provided some tips on seasonal car care to ensure safety on the roads in...

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