Eyes Up, Phones Down!
Walking has become riskier in the last several years.  The primary cause?  Smartphones. With...
Concussion Management Tool gets Blindsided
A helmet sensor developed to alert parents and coaches to potential brain injury has hit an unexpected...
BC Drunk Driving Laws Save Lives
A new University of British Columbia study has found that BC’s strict drinking and driving laws have...
Vancouver’s ‘Bikability’
Cycling in Cities is a research program at the University of British Columbia’s School of Population...
Concussion Awareness Training Toolkit Targets Parents, Coaches
Last summer, we came across CATT, an online Concussion Awareness Training Toolkit to help health professionals...
Physiotherapy Speeds Up Concussion Recovery
A new study from the University of Calgary finds that physiotherapy is beneficial to those suffering...
The Lighter the Bike, the Harder They Fall?
In the 1980s, Greg Lemond was the first Tour de France winner to ride a carbon fibre bike. This year,...
Time For a Hockey Helmet Makeover?
Football has adopted a new standardized system for rating a helmet’s effectiveness in protecting against...
Calling All TLABC Members!
We’re donating to the BC Burn Fund Centre. Will you? Last month, we wrote about the B.C. Professional...
Headbanging Causes Brain Injury
A heavy metal fan was treated for a blood clot in his brain caused by excessive headbanging while at...

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