Help Keep Pedestrians Safe This Winter
The Province reports that in the span of 24 hours, at least six pedestrians were struck by cars in Vancouver...
B.C.'s Tough Drunk Driving Laws Are Saving Lives
It’s official. The tougher drunk driving laws that came into effect in September 2010 are working....
Holiday Toy Safety
Just in time for the holidays, W.A.T.C.H., World Against Toys Causing Harm, has released their picks...
Heading the Soccer Ball May Cause Brain Damage
We’ve blogged about head injuries from soccer before, but a new study reinforces the need to be...
NFL Gives Mixed Messages Regarding Concussion Injuries
New documentation has now been brought forward showing that the “NFL’s retirement board awarded...
Wear A Helmet - It Might Save Your Life
Vancouver has seen an increase in the number of bike lanes this year, and as Vancouver looks to improve...
Football and Brain Damage: Weighing the Risks
The deaths of NFL players Ray Easterling, Junior Seau, and Dave Duerson have drawn a lot of attention...
Don't Forget to Gain Your Sleep Back
It’s that time of year again, one many look forward to: Day Light Savings! On Sunday, yes, we gained...
Keep Your Kids Safe This Halloween
It’s that time of year again. Where kids get to dress up, trick-or-treat, collect candy from friends...
Kids and ATVs: A Lethal Combination
The tragic report by The Province of a young boy being killed in an ATV accident has once again sparked...

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