Helmets Protect, Just Not Against Concussions
Sidney Crosby wore one. So did Junior Seau. But both men received concussions while wearing helmets....
Protect Your Kids From Cyberbullies
Over half of teens have been bullied online or engaged in online bullying. One in three young adults...
Hot Cars Kill Kids
As summer comes to an end, it doesn’t mean your car is any safer for your children. We’ve...
Is Your Teen the Principal Operator of a Family Car?
Is it time for your teen to take their own car to school and save you some time? Insurance for a teenager...
September Is Back-To-School Safety Month
School starts again this week and many people are returning to their daily work routine. This means heavier...
Distracted Driving Means More Than Cell Phones
It’s another long weekend for Canada and the U.S., one that often sees lots of travel and traffic....
Deadly Driveways
Every week in the US about 50 children are seriously injured by drivers failing to pay attention when...
Windows Screens Won't Protect Your Kids From Falling
In the U.S., almost 5000 children fall from windows or balconies each year. In the past year, 23 children...
Do Smart Phones Make Bad Drivers?
We’ve all been there, reaching for our cell phones while driving. Maybe we’re texting a friend...
Drowning is Preventable Say RCMP
Look before you leap! That’s what the RCMP is asking from vacationers spending time on the water...

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