Concussion Time Bomb in NFL
The NFL concussion lawsuits are back in the news. Another tragic suicide has occurred, this one by ex-player...
Car Seats Bought in USA Not Legal in Canada
Car seat safety is once again in the news, reminding buyers that US seats are illegal to use in Canada....
Hosting a Party? You Could be Liable
Hosting an NHL playoff party? A birthday or grad celebration? Did you know that if one of your guests...
Warm Weather Increases Risk of Injuries
With Spring in the air, it’s time to shake the dust from our bikes, rollerblades, and recreational...
UBC Law School Announces Slater Vecchio Award
We are pleased to announce the Slater Vecchio LLP Trial Advocacy Entrance Award, the first full-tuition...
Car Crashes Spike on Tax Return Deadline
A major U.S. study has found a link between tax deadline day and fatal car accidents. The 30 year study...
Grandma Smacks into Wall then Smacks Apple with Lawsuit
The New York Post gives us a personal injury case from Long Island that’s a little different. An...
People are Fragile: Share the Road
It was only two days in Metro Vancouver, but the results were disastrous. A motorist kills an elderly...
New "High Def" Brain Imaging Helps Concussion Diagnosis and Recovery
Imagine you’re Sydney Crosby. Or David Booth. Or Daniel Sedin. You are checked into the boards...
Waiver of Liability: is it Worth the Risk?
Nearly a year ago, I blogged about BC Supreme Court case Loychuck v. Cougar Mountain Adventures. Deanna...

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