Distracted Driving Kills
A few weeks ago, James Buckley wrote about some of the consequences of drinking & driving. But did...
Cyclist Awareness: Making a Right Turn
Imagine you are riding your bike on the right side of the street. A car beside you on your left is traveling...
Watch for Cyclists!
In BC Supreme Court case Dobre v. Langley, a cyclist is awarded over $100,000 for a broken thumb suffered...
Drinking & Driving Part II: Financial Consequences
In my last post, I discussed the loss of life and serious injuries caused bythose who drive while impaired....
Drinking & Driving: Facts and Statistics
It’s stupid. It’s dangerous. It’s against the law. And yet we continue to hear stories...
Michael Slater Wins "Vancouver Personal Injury Lawyer of the Year"
We are very pleased to announce that Michael Slater, a founding partner of Slater Vecchio, has been named...
Add Concussion Awareness to Your Pre-Game Checklist
In an earlier post, James Richards comments on some of the issues surrounding concussions, kids, and...
Amber Gambler? Not a Smart Bet.
The light turns yellow. Do you stop? Do you proceed with caution? Do you floor it? BC Supreme Court case...
Steps to Take After a Car Accident
Did you know that your odds of being in a car accident in the next year are one in 44? So be prepared...
Can You Sue Another Worker for Negligence?
The law says that you can sue for damages if you are injured as a result of another person’s negligence....

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