Sexual Assault Victims Affected by Shortage of Forensic Nurses
There are mounting worries that Canada’s severely understaffed nursing, forensics, and judicial...
Class-action Lawsuit Against Brothers of Charity Approved by Quebec Judge
A class action case has been approved by the Montreal Superior Court against a large international religious...
Andrea Neil Calls for Judicial Inquiry
A former women’s soccer team captain from Canada is urging the federal government to open a thorough...
$2.8 Billion Settlement Reached in Residential Schools Class Action
The federal government and 325 First Nations have agreed to a $2.8 billion settlement in a class action...
Women in BC Applaud Repeal of 'Suffocating' Publishing Ban for Sexual Assault Victims
Morrell Andrews of Vancouver says she is hopeful about the future after fighting for two years with other...
Recent Data Suggests an Increase in Reports of Sexual Assault in Schools
A rising number of sexual abuse allegations from within this country’s schools, according to data,...
Two Females Provide Remote Testimony In Case of a Vancouver Man Accused of Sex Offences
This week, two girls gave depositions over the internet from a spot outside the Vancouver courthouse...
Accusation of Childhood Sexual Assault by a Ex-Nazi Catholic Priest During Confession is Resolved by a BC Woman
An accusation of sexual molestation by a former Nazi turned Catholic priest against a lady from Vancouver...
Concern about Child Labour and School Violence in Quebec
A significant Quebec union group raised both child labour and school violence as concerns at a news conference...
BC Supreme Court Says Loot Box Claim May Proceed
 Since 2020, Slater Vecchio LLP has filed class action litigation claims in British Columbia and...

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