Slater Vecchio LLP offers legal services to survivors of sexual and physical abuse, including online abuse.
We can help survivors of abuse hold their abusers responsible and claim financial compensation for the harm suffered. Sometimes filing a lawsuit leads to other survivors coming forward to tell their stories, corroborate systemic abuse and bring those responsible to account. In other cases, holding an abuser accountable may prevent them from continuing a cycle of abuse and harming others.
We understand how difficult it can be to recount experiences of abuse. Slater Vecchio’s client-centred approach seeks to provide guidance and assistance in a compassionate, non-judgmental, and understanding manner. If you are considering your legal options, our knowledgeable and dedicated team is here to help you.
Slater Vecchio is built on the philosophy that our clients come first. Hearing your story and understanding your needs is an important part of helping you. We recognize that it can be difficult to share your story and we aim to create a safe, supportive space for you. This does not have to happen in one day.
Our client-centred approach includes:
We are here to help whenever you are ready.
There MAY NOT BE A TIME LIMIT for you to take legal action if you suffered sexual assault, abuse, or misconduct.
Whether or not your circumstances were the subject of a criminal complaint or trial you can start your civil claim against those responsible when you decide you are ready to take that step.
If you or anyone you know experienced sexual abuse at any age, please contact us to discuss whether a civil claim may be brought at any time. Claims for physical and psychological abuse of a non-sexual nature typically face a limitation period. Connect with us to discuss whether a limitation period may apply.
If you require community services, the following list includes examples of the types of organizations and resources that might be applicable to your situation.
The Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime (CRCVC) provides support, research, and education to survivors of serious crimes in Canada. They offer assistance and advocacy to all, regardless of the status of a legal case. The CRCVC believes in victim empowerment, to help them regain control of their lives.
The Lukas' House Society is a not-for-profit organization that was created in the memory of Lukas Goguen. The organization was created with the goal of raising awareness about opioids and educating individuals about harm reduction. Their goal is to help eliminate the stigma around mental health and substance abuse.
The WAVAW Rape Crisis Centre provides support services to survivors of sexual assault and other sexualized violence. They advocate for change, both societally and systemically. through activism, education, and outreach. They work to build a better future for survivors by offering support systems and advocating for a greater understanding of the causes of violence.
The British Columbia Society for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse (BCSMSSA) is a non-profit society established to provide services for males who have been sexually abused. They provided treatment and support services, develop educational material, assist with government agencies, and ensure clear communication and consultation with the community.
Understandably, some survivors are apprehensive about participating in a lawsuit due to the possibility of public exposure. This is a valid concern and should not be a barrier to accessing the justice system. If this is the case for you, please know that there are options to help safeguard your identity.
When you are ready, Slater Vecchio is here to help. Please contact us in any manner that is comfortable for you: by phone, video chat, email, or arrange to meet us in our offices. We are just a call away and are ready to help.
[1, 2] Statistics Canada – Gender-based violence and unwanted sexual behaviour in Canada, 2018: Initial findings from the Survey of Safety in Public and Private Spaces
[3] Amelia Rising – Learn About Sexual Violence & GBV