Brace yourself for carmageddon.

Downtown Vancouver is expected to face serious traffic congestion as roadwork ramps up over the busy Fall season. To avoid the gridlock, some are choosing bikes over cars to get from A to B.

The spike in bikes on our roads has prompted the CAA to create a website that focuses on bike safety for drivers.

A few tips from the site:

  • Give cyclists plenty of room on wet roads. Slow down. Change lanes when passing.
  • Plan turns and lane changes well in advance. Signal your intentions early so a cyclist can see what you are planning to do.
  • Be aware of cyclist routes.
  • Never use your horn when passing a cyclist unless absolutely necessary.
  • Leave lots of room when passing a cyclist
  • Always check for cyclists before left or right turns.
  • Never follow too closely. Cyclists are capable of stopping quickly, so keep at least a 3-4 second following distance.
  • Use extra caution in parking lots, playground zones, and school areas. Scan around parked vehicles for cyclists.
  • Check your mirrors every five to eight seconds to keep aware of your surroundings.

CAA also lists some of the most common vehicle-bike collisions.

For More Information:

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