Canadian Legal News


Online Child Sexual Exploitation Increasing
A new federal report has released that online child sexual offences have been on the rise in the last...
Report Finds Southern Baptist Leaders Silenced Sexual Abuse Survivors
A 400-page report issued by a 3rd-party investigator into decades of systematic abuse was released recently....
Class Action Against Archdiocese of Quebec Going Forward
A lawsuit against the Catholic Archdiocese of Quebec has been authorized as a class action lawsuit and...
Sexual Assault Crisis Program in Winnipeg, Manitoba
A Winnipeg-based social agency is looking to make assault survivors aware of the help and support they...
Medical Injustice at McGill University
The Montreal University unfortunately has a troubling history of abuse and complicity towards people...
Spotting Red Flags on Campus
Queen’s University in Ontario has recently announced a new campaign to bring awareness to dating violence...
University of Michigan Settles Sexual Abuse Lawsuit
After students brought a lawsuit against the University of Michigan to help force changes to how the...
Indigenous Women Face Assault, Discrimination, and Barriers Due to Child Welfare System
A recent Statistics Canada report found that Indigenous women were much more likely to experience assault...
Private Piano Teacher Charged with Sexually Assaulting a Student
A man who provided private piano lessons in Kelowna was recently charged with sexually assaulting one...
Man Charged for 1980s Sexual Assaults at Christ Church Surrey Centre
A British Columbian man has been charged with sexual assault from a series of incidents in the 1980s....

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