Canadian Legal News

Home Safety

Protect Your Kids From Cyberbullies
Over half of teens have been bullied online or engaged in online bullying. One in three young adults...
Deadly Driveways
Every week in the US about 50 children are seriously injured by drivers failing to pay attention when...
Windows Screens Won't Protect Your Kids From Falling
In the U.S., almost 5000 children fall from windows or balconies each year. In the past year, 23 children...
Drowning is Preventable Say RCMP
Look before you leap! That’s what the RCMP is asking from vacationers spending time on the water...
Are Your Kids Safe at Home?
As a parent, grandparent, or guardian, you want to protect your children from harm. Over nine million...
Toddler Drowning Is Sad Reminder
Spring is here which means summer isn’t far behind. This means longer days, warmer weather, and...
Hosting a Party? You Could be Liable
Hosting an NHL playoff party? A birthday or grad celebration? Did you know that if one of your guests...
Warm Weather Increases Risk of Injuries
With Spring in the air, it’s time to shake the dust from our bikes, rollerblades, and recreational...
Homeowners Beware: Are Your Contractors Insured?
Here’s a BC law that might surprise you. Let’s say you hire a contractor to fix your roof....
More on Child Car Seat Safety
Child car seat safety is once again in the news. As of January 1st, the state of California requires...

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