Canadian Legal News


Supervising an 'L' or 'N' Driver? Don't Drink!
A 64-year-old grandfather was charged with impaired driving after letting his grandson, a learner driver,...
Why a Few Drinks are a Few Too Many
Three years ago, B.C. lowered its legal blood alcohol limit to .05. For those needing a refresher: Drivers...
Bike Safety for Drivers
Brace yourself for carmageddon. Downtown Vancouver is expected to face serious traffic congestion as...
Bike Helmet Law and the Success of Van-City's Bike Share Program
Vancouver’s bike share program is expected to launch by Spring 2014. The program will include 1500...
Remote Texter Can Be Liable
Have you ever texted someone who you knew was driving when you hit the send button? A New Jersey judge...
From One Second to the Next
From One Second to the Next is a haunting documentary about the dangers of texting and driving. To drive...
Car Safety 101: Wear Your Seat Belt
Do you remember Vince and Larry, the crash test dummies who played principal roles in the influential...
Online Game Measures Driver Distraction
The NY Times has created an interactive game developed to measure the reaction times of distracted drivers....
Province Commits to Improving Safety on Stanley Park Causeway
At last, an update about the future of the Stanley Park Causeway. It sounds encouraging. The province...
Heatstroke Kills - Keep Kids Out of Unattended Cars
Two children die from heatstroke after being left in unattended vehicles. We hear these stories every...

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