Canadian Legal News


More on Child Car Seat Safety
Child car seat safety is once again in the news. As of January 1st, the state of California requires...
Don't Drink & Drive This Holiday Season
Less than a week to go until Christmas and the holiday season in is full force. But the extra good cheer...
Protect Your Passengers!
Last post, Mike commented on the duty of care owed by drivers to protect their passengers. This duty...
Buckle Up!
Do you always ensure that your passengers are wearing a seat belt? If not, you may be at fault for your...
Cold Weather Car Care
Having grown up in Saskatchewan, I can say that snow tires, block heaters, and antifreeze are common...
Running a Yellow Light Won't Get You Ahead
J.A.‘s recent post reminds us that when a light turns yellow, you must stop so long as it’s...
Distracted Driving Kills
A few weeks ago, James Buckley wrote about some of the consequences of drinking & driving. But did...
Cyclist Awareness: Making a Right Turn
Imagine you are riding your bike on the right side of the street. A car beside you on your left is traveling...
Watch for Cyclists!
In BC Supreme Court case Dobre v. Langley, a cyclist is awarded over $100,000 for a broken thumb suffered...
Drinking & Driving Part II: Financial Consequences
In my last post, I discussed the loss of life and serious injuries caused bythose who drive while impaired....

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