Canadian Legal News


Safe Driving on Rainy Days
Rain, rain, go away – right? But this is British Columbia, so we live with it. To make our lives safer...
Teaching Your Kids to Drive
Handing the car keys over to your teenage son or daughter is a rite of passage in many families. For...
Are Distracted Driving Laws Tough Enough?
Marc Garneau was the first Canadian in space, but now as the federal Minister of Transport, he’s blasting...
Why You Should Avoid Left Turns
There’s something you do all the time and it’s costing you time, money, and energy – as well...
Don’t Crash over Time Change
Daylight saving time is coming. That means a little more sunshine at the end of the day but a little...
Stopping Distracted Driving on the Job
Mobile technology makes it so much easier to stay connected to your work no matter where you are. But...
Is Driving with a Concussion Safe?
If you’ve ever had a concussion, you know recovery takes a while. It can be hard to think clearly or...
Stop Red Light Texting
It’s just one text at a red light, right? I’m fully stopped so no harm, right? If you think this way,...
Winter Driving Safety Tips
Winter is here and that means making some changes and plans for how you tackle the roads. One little...
Distracted Driving Deaths Increase
Compared to decades ago, our roads and highways are safer. We’ve added more safety features to our cars,...

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