Getting Personal with Nicole Kelly
Back in 2010, Nicole Kelly started with Slater Vecchio as an articled student. She was fresh out of law...
Signs of PTSD after a Car Accident
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a common mental health problem suffered by people following...
How to Live with Chronic Pain
Chronic pain is all too common after a serious injury. Whether caused by a car accident or a fall on...
Why ‘Nice’ Isn’t Always Right on the Road
When is being nice and courteous not always the right thing to do? When you’re on the road. Waving something...
Do You Need Winter Tires for Vancouver Streets?
Vancouver’s mild climate means most people don’t install winter tires on their cars. Given the problems...
Crash Course for BC Drivers
In BC there is a car crash nearly every 2 minutes. It’s costly and can be devastating for some families....
Keep Your Feet off the Dash
Whether it’s a short or a long trip, being a passenger in a car can leave you a bit restless. Thinking...
How Physiotherapy Can Help with Injury Recovery
Getting injured in a car crash can often lead to long-term pain and physical problems that seem almost...
Should You Have a Dashcam?
We live in a world of cameras, found on everything from cellphones to elevators. So what about adding...
Summer Biking Basics
Sun’s out, bikes out, right? It’s a joy to get on your bike and spin around the city – soaking up the...

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