'I just don't care,' Texting Driver Tells Police After Hitting Cyclist
A 21-year-old Australian woman was texting and driving when she slammed into a cyclist, breaking his...
TBI Linked to Mental Health Problems in Teens
New research has found that teenagers who suffer a traumatic brain injury (TBI) have a significantly...
Deadly Ignition Switch Leads to Massive GM Recall
Imagine you’re driving the speed limit on a busy highway when your car’s power is suddenly cut. You fight...
Distracted Driving - A Criminal Offence?
Vancouver Sun columnist Ian Mulgrew has sparked another debate. This time over distracted driving. Should...
Motorcycle Helmet Laws Save Lives
The numbers don’t lie. “Fewer Helmets, More Deaths” says the New York Times in an article on changing...
Blood Tests the Future of Concussion Diagnosis
A simple blood test may be all it takes to diagnose a concussion, according to new research out of Sweden....
Riding Robo-Bike: High Tech Bike Safety and Security
The New York Times recently published a post to their wellness blog reviewing new high-tech gadgets designed...
Planning a Garage Sale? Know Your Legal Responsibilities
Did you know that anyone holding a garage sale is legally responsible for ensuring that products being...
High-Tech Brain Protection
Sporting goods giant Reebok has developed a high-tech device to help protect athletes from brain injury...
Predicting and Preventing Alzheimer's
Researchers have discovered a blood test that can accurately predict the onset of dementia, including...

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