Meditation - Weight Lifting for the Brain
There’s a growing body of research proving that meditation is a powerful exercise to improve brain...
Online Game Measures Driver Distraction
The NY Times has created an interactive game developed to measure the reaction times of distracted drivers....
Province Commits to Improving Safety on Stanley Park Causeway
At last, an update about the future of the Stanley Park Causeway. It sounds encouraging. The province...
Sun Safety for Kids
Did you know… Just a few serious sunburns can increase your child’s risk of getting skin...
UFC Fighter Announces Retirement, Chooses Health Over Brain Injury
So much attention on traumatic brain injury in sports and yet, surprisingly, we don’t often hear...
10 Tips to Keep Little Ones Safe Around Pools at Home
Thanks to for contributing this post to Slater Vecchio Connected. We’re happy to share...
BC Water-Related Fatalities on the Rise
Did you know that nearly 500 Canadians die every year in water-related incidents? And this year the numbers...
Growing Support for Vancouver's Separated Bike Lanes
The bike lane controversy in Vancouver continues. This time the debate surrounds a proposal for a new...
Bike Helmets Don't Prevent Concussions
Bicycling Magazine recently published a powerful article considering the history, safety, and future...
Heatstroke Kills - Keep Kids Out of Unattended Cars
Two children die from heatstroke after being left in unattended vehicles. We hear these stories every...

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