Pool Safety Not Sinking In
The Vancouver Sun reported a five-year-old B.C. boy was in critical but stable condition after falling...
Eye Tests for Brain Trauma
Your eyes may tell more about you than originally thought. The Seattle Times reports that with simple...
Bionic Hand Assisted by iLimb iPhone App
For a young man with a prosthetic hand, the phrase “there’s an app for that” has a...
NFL Helmet Maker Loses Lawsuit Due to Lack of Warning
A Colorado jury has found NFL helmet maker Riddell negligent in failing to warn the public about the...
Players Call NFL Safety Board a "Sham"
Did the NFL conceal the risks of head injuries? Who is responsible to pay for head injuries; the NFL...
Michael Slater, Q.C., Awarded 2013 Bar Award by TLABC!
Slater Vecchio is pleased to announce that one of our founding partners Michael Slater, Q.C., has been...
Boxing Bans Headgear to Reduce Concussions
Remove headgear from boxing to reduce concussions? Seems counterproductive, but that’s exactly...
Stay Safe this Long Weekend
Sugar rushes from too much chocolate might not be the only thing you suffer from this long weekend if...
Pedestrians Have the Right of Way
On the road, a pedestrian always has the right of way. Once they have entered a crosswalk, even if it’s...
Pocket Concussion Recognition Tool
“No athlete should be allowed to return to play after a concussion or suspected concussion,”...

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