Use Your Head - Wear a Helmet on the Slopes
Nova Scotia is the first province to ticket skiers and snowboarders for not wearing a helmet while on...
Don't Drink & Drive This Holiday Season
Less than a week to go until Christmas and the holiday season in is full force. But the extra good cheer...
Brainstreams.ca: Helping Real People with Real Lives
The Pacific Coast Brain Injury Conference Society has launched Brainstreams.ca, a leading Canadian information...
Court Says No to Fishing on Facebook, Twitter
The role of Facebook in BC Courtrooms is once again in the headlines. In Dosangh v. Leblanc and St. Paul’s...
When Accident Strikes on the Mountain
In our last post, Nicole reviewed some basics of ski and snowboard safety. Now let’s look at some...
Get Ready for Ski and Snowboard Season!
It’s official. The snow is now falling on BC’s coastal mountains. And another La Nina year...
Protect Your Passengers!
Last post, Mike commented on the duty of care owed by drivers to protect their passengers. This duty...
Buckle Up!
Do you always ensure that your passengers are wearing a seat belt? If not, you may be at fault for your...
Cold Weather Car Care
Having grown up in Saskatchewan, I can say that snow tires, block heaters, and antifreeze are common...
Running a Yellow Light Won't Get You Ahead
J.A.‘s recent post reminds us that when a light turns yellow, you must stop so long as it’s...

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